This story began in 1959 with the creation of the first wine cooperative in Taurasi.



Its activity followed with the construction of a second facility in 1972, our main building today, become in those years Taurasi’s wine cooperative.

This was a relevant step. The territory of Irpinia is particularly devoted to the grapes cultivation, although it represents a challenge because of its structure. Estates were small and each winegrower owned just few land hectares. This meant that they weren’t able to own private vinification plants.

The wine cooperative is, in this sense, the answer to the need of a structure able to host winegrowers during the vinification period. The precious consequence is the preservation of vines and therefore of the genetic endowment of Irpinia’ s native vineyards, with all their expressions.


The wine cooperative is equipped with all modern machineries, as in the case of the 79 cement tanks used by Antica Hirpinia during the vinification process.
In 1992 the cellar, already called Antica Hirpinia, corked up the bottle number 00000001 of Taurasi DOCG.

Antica Hirpinia is a private cellar today, led by a group of friends who took over it in 2016. They have gathered their strengths, their vineyards and their lives to realize a common dream: to produce wines able to communicate the strength and the intenseness of their land, besides the vitality burning from their passion.